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Social Value Policy


CK Courier Solutions Ltd is passionate about helping the local economy, populace and environment. We generally view the local economy as The Liverpool City Region, West Lancashire, Warrington, Wigan and Chester.

Policy Statement

The Company is aware of its social responsibility to do everything it can to improve the life balance of its employees. We also believe we have a wider responsibility to have a positive impact on the local community and environment. We are committed to creating a sustainable, inclusive society.

This policy works hand in hand with our Environmental Policy (DC32), but also with all other Company policies, ensuring we are actively managing our operations in ways which optimise our value to the communities in which we work.

Employee Wellbeing

The Company strongly believes in a positive work-life balance. This has a positive mental health impact on our employees. Some of the steps we take to ensure our employees feel respected, valued and are happy in their work include but are not limited to:


  • Salaried staff contracts and fair pay

  • Careful monitoring of staff hours

  • Staff rewards for positive driving practices

  • Four-day weeks for staff when possible

  • Weekday working patterns, to promote weekend family time

  • Creation of a modern, positive work environment

  • An ethos of respect, gained through staff attitudes and Company policies

  • Providing a safe environment through policies, processes and monitoring of KPI's

  • Commitment to staff training and development

  • Commitment to an inclusive workplace

  • Staff stakeholder bonuses for excellent Company performance.

Commitment to Equality

We are fully committed to equality. Our board of Directors are 50% female. Further information can be found in Equality Policy (DC06) that is available on request. 

Positive Impact on the Economy

As a transport Company, we buck the industry trend by following a traditional, employment model, rather than a sub-contractor model. Our approach helps the local and wider economy. Our employees are based in the local economic area, ensuring a positive impact on other local businesses. We achieve this in part by:

  • Paying at least the recommended living wage (not the minimum wage)

  • Carrying out regular pay reviews, to help pay keep track with the cost of living

  • Use of salaried employment contracts, ensuring staff have peace of mind regarding their earnings and ability to contribute positively to the economy.

Positive Impact on the Community

We ensure a positive health and safety impact on the community by:

  • Staff training, development and regular assessments

  • Monitoring of safe driving patterns through technology and KPI's

  • Offering staff incentives for demonstrating safe driving.

Positive Impact on the Environment

Our full Environmental Policy resides in Company document DC32 and is available here. In addition to the steps laid out in that policy (which is aimed at the wider environment), we will also commit to the following to improve the local environment and life of local citizens:


  • We will commit to planting trees in local areas as part of our Tree Buddying partnership. We will do this on a representative basis, in all local authorities for all businesses and organisations which we provide our services.


Within CK Courier Solutions Ltd, responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy rests with the directors and all members of staff. The directors have overall responsibility for ensuring that junior staff implement this policy.

Future Improvements

The Company is committed to the continual monitoring and evolution of this policy.

Policy Awareness

A copy of this policy statement will be given to all new members of staff, sub-contractors and interested third parties. An up-to-date copy of this policy will always be available on the Company website. All staff and relevant third parties must be familiar with and comply with the policy at all times.

CK Courier Solutions Ltd

North Mersey Business Centre

Knowsley Industrial Park



L33 7UY

Company Registration: 08240541

VAT Number: 143 3676 13

Waste Carriage: CBDU545917

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